The Space of It

In the space between good and bad, people wrestle with a deep struggle influenced by their experiences.

Some stay in familiar places, but a few embrace vulnerability. Here, trust lights up the emptiness, faith is the foundation, and love is everything. It’s difficult because fear and judgment tie people to what they’re used to, making it hard to see beyond. To handle the inner fight, one must stay in this space without being too hard on oneself—a delicate dance of light, foundation, and essence.

Be authentic without trying to fit into another person’s field in fear of judgment or scrutiny.

Again, people perceive others by their past experiences and level of awareness. If they have not experienced something, many times they don’t have the conscious knowledge to let go of biases.

I will continue to stay in the space of it. By being in that space, I can adjust my own emotions. I can see where another is coming from, and also understand where I belong without tipping into old traumas and triggers.

I love you,
Millie America


In our lives, memories serve as the threads weaving together the intricate patterns of our past. They are the silent narrators of our experiences, connecting us to the moments that have shaped our journey. But what happens when a fragment of this tapestry is lost, when a memory slips through the cracks of our consciousness?

The question lingers: if you cannot remember something, did it even happen? It’s a thought-provoking inquiry into the nature of our existence and the reliability of our recollections. Memories are not just mental snapshots; they are the emotional residue of our encounters, shaping our perspectives and influencing our present selves.

As we navigate the corridors of time, some memories stand out vividly, while others fade into obscurity. The phenomenon of forgetting raises intriguing philosophical and psychological considerations. Are those unremembered moments still part of our narrative, or do they dissolve into the ether, leaving no trace of their existence?

Our journey through life is a constant interplay between remembrance and forgetfulness. Memories are not infallible; they morph, evolve, and sometimes elude us entirely. Yet, they play a crucial role in shaping our identity and understanding of the world. The dance between remembering and forgetting is what makes the human experience both fascinating and enigmatic.

In exploring the delicate balance of memory, we confront the fragility of our perception of reality. Perhaps the unremembered moments are not lost but merely submerged in the recesses of our minds, waiting to resurface when triggered by a scent, a sound, or a familiar face. The very act of forgetting, then, becomes an integral part of the intricate tapestry of our lives.

So, as we ponder the question of whether unremembered events truly happened, let us embrace the mystery of memory. Our past, with all its remembered and forgotten fragments, contributes to the rich mosaic of our existence. The essence of life lies not just in the events we recall but in the profound tapestry woven by the interplay of remembered and forgotten moments.

These thoughts come and go as I struggle to remember the things that are deeply forgotten.

I love you,
Millie America

In the Silence

In the exquisite difficulty of waiting, I find vulnerability. It’s a grace-filled pause, an acknowledgment that control is an illusion.

Uncertainty lingers, and as I await an answer that eludes me, I embrace the unknown, understanding that within this waiting, there is a unique kind of acceptance. Shadows emerge, the light dims, and I surrender to the enigma of what might come – be it what I expect or an unforeseen revelation. In the midst of not knowing, there’s a fragile beauty in letting go.

Nevertheless, I continue to wait hours at a time for answers while my imagination creates stories that will never match the outcome.

There are gifts and answers in the silence. It’s not for the faint of heart.

We are all experiencing a certain of uncertainties right now.

I love you,
Millie America


“Consciousness, the most profound word we’ll ever speak.” – Michael A. Singer

Here we are, surfing the waves of expanding consciousness, each day a journey into the extraordinary. Lately, the intensity has been cranked up, leaving some souls feeling a bit unsteady. It’s that powerful. For the deeply empathetic, grounding oneself becomes a challenge amidst this cosmic dance.

We sense it in our physical being, we weave it into the tapestry of our emotional stories. These times we’re navigating are nothing short of remarkable, stirring up a whirlwind of release and challenging outdated paradigms.

Enough with the self-flagellation for past missteps (I, for one, am tired of beating myself up for experiences that have helped me grow).

Cease the replay of yesteryears’ tales. Release the grip of trying to force the past into your present and reshaping it to fit a future that might not be yours. Understand that your beliefs carry the seeds of rapid manifestation, so tread with mindful intent.

Energy is impartial; it doesn’t distinguish between negative and positive. It attaches itself to the present reality. As we evolve and ascend to higher states of consciousness, the energies around us respond to our thoughts and desires.

For those grappling with this transformation, remember, you’re not alone. In this journey, we’re here for each other. Extend a hand, reach out, because, in the midst of cosmic chaos, unity is our strength. Love is the thread connecting us all.

Sending love and solidarity to all souls on this beautiful, chaotic, and transcendent journey. 🌌💖

I love you!
Millie America

The Soul’s Agenda

In a captivating podcast interview featuring Neale Donald Walsch, renowned author of “Conversations with God,” I stumbled upon a treasure trove of wisdom. Walsch advocates for a transformative perspective when encountering challenges, urging us to rise above victimhood or martyrdom. Rather than succumbing to those disempowering roles, he encourages a profound inquiry: “What is my soul’s agenda?”

This shift in mindset invites us to delve into the deeper realms of our being, transcending the limitations of the ego. It’s a call to connect with the essence within, a sanctuary where the soul’s wisdom surpasses the understanding of the ego. This approach offers a comforting and empowering perspective, reminding us that amidst challenges, our soul holds answers yet to be acknowledged by the conscious self.

Embrace this invitation to introspection, allowing your soul’s agenda to guide you through the intricacies of life. Beyond the surface, beneath the layers of ego-driven reactions, lies a wellspring of insight waiting to be discovered. Connect with your higher self, explore the realms of your soul, and unveil the profound wisdom that can illuminate your path towards growth and understanding. 🌟

Sending love!
Millie America
Sacred Journey Inward

The Remembering

In the quiet spaces of reflection, I’ve unearthed fragments of my forgotten self. The erosion of time played its part, gradually dimming the radiant facets of my being. I deliberately relinquished my divine power, a gradual surrender to the collective desire for strength in others. I chose to shrink myself, willingly deleting the essence that defined my strength, making myself small for the sake of empowering those around me.

And it worked.

Today, I embark on the journey of remembering, piecing together the scattered mosaic of my once-vibrant spirit.

In the grand journey of self-discovery, the significance lies not in the willingness to relinquish, but in the profound lessons woven through those moments of surrender. Like a lotus emerging gracefully from the muck, I rise anew. The sun becomes my guiding light, illuminating the path of knowing and remembering my true essence. Gratitude resonates deeply, not only for the acceptance of the journey but for the acquired wisdom. In this space of deep love and appreciation for my soul, I embrace the unfolding chapters of my rediscovery.

I love you.

The Dance Between What Was and What Is

Have you ever found yourself reminiscing about past experiences, thinking, “I wish I had known that was going to be one of the best times of my life”? It’s a sentiment we often express, a joyful reflection on moments that, in hindsight, we realize were truly special. We talk about how we would have cherished each second, taken mental photographs, and appreciated everything even more.

But here’s a thought: What if the very moment you’re living right now is the best time of your life? What if this second holds the key to the change you’ve been waiting for? The truth is, we don’t always recognize the significance of a moment until it becomes a memory. Life unfolds, and we navigate its twists and turns, often oblivious to the beauty and importance of the present.

So, what if, instead of looking back and saying, “I would have,” we start living in a way that acknowledges the potential greatness of every moment? What if today is the best time of your life, with all its uncertainties and possibilities? Consider approaching each day as if it were your last, for, in reality, it might be. For some, it could be a farewell, while for others, it might mark the beginning of something entirely new.

Life is a dance, a delicate interplay between what is and what will be. Embrace the rhythm of the present, savoring each step and finding joy in the uncertainty. By living fully in the now, we open ourselves to the richness of life, understanding that the best moments are not just memories but the experiences we are currently creating. So, dance through today with the awareness that this very moment might be the one you’ll look back on and say, “That was the best time of my life!”

I love you!

Healing Happens

Healing, my dear friend, has a beautiful way of embracing us when we least expect it.

You’re waiting at a red light, and the world is painted in the gentle hues of sunrise. A tear finds its way down your cheek, cleansing your soul in the process.

Then there’s that moment in the shower, where the water cascades like a soothing symphony. Your thoughts dance through the struggles you’ve faced and conquered, a testament to your incredible strength.

Ah, and let’s not forget those precious hugs with your children, each embrace a reminder that nothing can hurt you like it once did. The warmth of their love wraps around you like a comforting blanket.

And isn’t it wonderful how healing can be woven into the fabric of simple gestures? A friend’s words, like a healing balm, mending wounds you might have thought were irreversible. The tender touch of a lover, a reminder that your heart is resilient and deserving of affection. Even a stranger’s smile, a tiny spark that lights up your path.

In these moments, you’ll feel it, deep within your being. A whisper from the universe, letting you know that the chains of pain and discomfort are loosening their grip. The scars, whether they’re etched on your skin, heart, or soul, become symbols of your journey rather than sources of agony.

And when that healing arrives, oh, how the world transforms! The weight that once burdened your spirit lifts, and the air is filled with a newfound lightness. Love flows freely, like a gentle river, nurturing every corner of your existence.

So remember, dear soul, healing is not just a distant hope – it’s a beautiful reality that dances into your life, bringing solace and renewal. You are a beacon of strength, and with each step, you’re moving towards a brighter, more loving world.

Continue moving through this awareness… I love you!

Heart Whispers

If you have ever wondered if it is possible to hear the guidance of your heart and follow its’ wisdom, you don’t have to wonder any longer. And…

If you long to embrace your truth, follow your own path, and design a life you love, we have the perfect guidance for you.

There’s a new book being launched today – FOR ONLY 99¢ – that contains twenty stories by inspiring women who are living this way. It’s titled,

HEART WHISPERS: Stories of Women Listening to Their Innate Wisdom and Designing a Life They Love.

The women who share their stories in this book are extraordinary and I am beyond honored that I was able to collaborate with them. They have made significant shifts in the way they show up and their ways of thinking. They’ve developed and share practices, mantras, and techniques to live as the authentic spiritual beings they are. They have empowered themselves through self-discovery, deep introspection, mindfulness, and self-love. Their transformations are nothing short of miraculous, and they speak to the undying vibrancy and love that exists in each of us.     

Their stories will speak to your heart and soul, and as you read you will see yourself in their words. You’ll be moved to live in a space of personal power and truth as you move through the moments of each day, and you’ll become more aware of what truly matters to you. Because…

If they can do it, you can too. 

Explore The Valuable Lessons of Your Heart Wisdom:

  • Living authentically aligns you with your soul’s calling
  • Acknowledge and lean into your spiritual awakening
  • Changing your surroundings changes your life energy
  • Following your heart for personal and business growth
  • Forgiveness is a path to joy, contentment, and peace
  • Consciously awaken your creativity within
  • Recognize the teachers and lessons in your midst
  • Call on your angels and guides who are always with you

WATCH the book trailer at:


These authors are celebrating their book launch by TREATING YOU to their amazing book for ONLY 99¢! … PLUS, you will receive 35+ fabulous gifts from the authors and partners.

To receive your bonus gifts, purchase the book today, June 22nd at:

You will LOVE this book and you will love these authors. Don’t wait. Buy your book now!

May you always live from your heart!


What is Your Story?

In the depths of your being, there exist two narratives that shape your existence. One is the story you proudly share with the world—the one that showcases your accomplishments, successes, and joys. It’s the tale that paints a picture of a life filled with triumphs and happiness. Yet, intertwined with this story lies another narrative, one concealed in the shadows, brimming with scars, heartache, guilt, and shame. It’s a story that few, if any, truly know—the battles fought silently, the wounds endured, and the moments of vulnerability that shape your innermost self.

These two stories often engage in a fierce battle for your attention. They compete for recognition, seeking acknowledgment and validation. How you tend to these stories determines how freely you can live in your authentic truth. It is a choice that demands careful consideration. For it is through your choices that you cultivate power—both consciously and unconsciously. Every thought, every emotion, and every action contributes to the creation of your reality. It is within your grasp to let go of those stories that require extra energy, that drain your spirit and hold you back from embracing the fullness of your being.

Know this, dear sweet soul, you were not created for endless struggles. You were born into this world with a purpose—to love, to learn, and to be fully present in your experience of divine mysticism. The essence of your existence lies in the profound connection you have with others. It is through love, genuine and unfiltered, that you find yourself repeatedly colliding with the hearts and souls of those you encounter along your journey. In those moments of impact, something miraculous happens—an explosion of light, a spark of transformation. You become the alchemist in your story. As the energy of love permeates your interactions, your frequency rises, resonating with the divine—God, Source, the Universal Consciousness. In this unified resonance, you become unstoppable, capable of conquering anything that comes your way.

So, my dear friend, choose to live the story that takes you there—the story that elevates you to the realm of divine connection and unity. Embrace the authenticity of your being, for it is in that vulnerability that you find true strength. Shed the layers of pretense, fear, and doubt. Release the burdens of past scars and guilt. Instead, focus your energy on love, on kindness, on compassion. Allow yourself to fully experience the depth of your emotions, the radiance of your spirit, and the infinite possibilities that lie within you.

In this journey, remember that you are not alone. We are all interconnected, all sparks of the same divine flame. Together, we have the power to create a world filled with love, understanding, and harmony. So, let us embark on this sacred path, hand in hand, heart to heart, and as we do, let our collective light guide us to a place of boundless joy, peace, and fulfillment.

I love you!