About Me


For a very long time my friends and family urged me to start a blog in order to add my daily inspirations, essays or poetry. With much anxiety at first and a zest to venture out of my comfort zone, I decided to create this blog. Every morning I light my candles, say my prayers, and enter into the magic of allowing Spirit to share a little wisdom. These are my words and a safe place for them to land. I write from the mountains of Western North Carolina, 20 miles east of Asheville.  I am an observer of nature, love and life.  Thank you for stopping by and joining me on this passion of words.

Mucho love always…Millie

100 thoughts on “About Me

    1. OMG, I feel so honored. Thank you. I can’t tell you how blessed I feel. You are such an amazing writer and I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. This sort of thing never happens to me. I am humbled by your gesture. Love and light….!

  1. bitchpig

    Wow, am so touched by your response 🙂 and by your Prince Charming poem, my gosh but you have nailed that feeling, I’m so with you. Can I reblog it on facebook?

      1. bitchpig

        Cool, psychology huh? Me too, struggling though biopsych at the mo, groan! Love the qualitative parts though.

    1. Katie, you are so sweet. Thank you for the nomination. I am horrible about these blog nominations. A bit dyslexic in answering questions. I am always do surprised (actually more like shocked) that anyone would even add me to any kind of nomination. Thank you. I will attempt to answer the questions soon! You have a gorgeous blog! A true inspiration. Millie.

      1. Thank you and you do a great job with your blog. I will be posting a picture of an award I am inventing for everyone that doesn’t involve a list 8)

  2. Hello Millie,

    Thank you very much for following my blog. I hope I don’t disappoint you and that your visits in my blog have been and will always be a joyful ride.

    Thank you again and lovely day to you! 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  3. rickbraveheart

    Millie, I’ll soon be moving to Western North Carolina and it was pure joy to discover your blog today, to feel the peace and spaciousness in your writing (and life) and experience your eye for capturing beauty. Thank you for this wonderful experience. Rick

    1. Rick, I hope you stop by our retreat center when you are here. It would be wonderful to meet another person who’s made this area a place to reside. Thank you for stopping by my site. Millie

  4. Have a very HAPPY NEW YEAR in 2013. Hopefully, we will all find our dreams and wishes listened to and become a reality in the GOOD sense of the word. Love Peace Joy and Bliss I wish to you. jk the secret keeper Jennifer Kiley

    Oh! & also, I Nominate You for the “Shine On Award.” All You Have to Do is To Enjoy the Award and if you choose you can Post it on Your Own Blog.

    Come to my blog at “the secret keeper (dot) net” and go down the right column to under the Beautiful Panther’s Image and Save the Award to photos. And if you would like, read what I wrote on the post Shine On Award and anything else you would like to do. Just enjoy yourself. Peace, Jennifer

  5. teasbook

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking “Goodnight” I find your blog to be interesting and inspirational. Maybe someday my husband and I can check out that retreat, sounds nice! God Bless! 🙂

  6. you share such beautiful words.. i was touched by some of your poems! and it is a joy to read you here… 🙂 WELCOME to the community of bloggers!! you are an amazingly talented and beautiful addition to the spirit of the world! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your words and it is with a whole lot of joy that I write this 🙂 with love, Aarthi.

    1. OMG, thank you for the wonderful award. Please check out my page on awards. I appreciate you stopping by and nominating me. It is always an honor. I will go to the link briefly… I am very humbled by your kindness.

  7. Pingback: Post of the Week – Moments with Millie | The Bumble Files

  8. You have a great blog here! Very inspirational. I spent some time going back into your archives in order to get to know you more. I really adore you and your writing. Thank you for sharing everything that you do!

  9. Pingback: Finished! | UnfetteredBS

  10. Pingback: Defining Infinity | Serenity in the City

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