The Dance Between What Was and What Is

Have you ever found yourself reminiscing about past experiences, thinking, “I wish I had known that was going to be one of the best times of my life”? It’s a sentiment we often express, a joyful reflection on moments that, in hindsight, we realize were truly special. We talk about how we would have cherished each second, taken mental photographs, and appreciated everything even more.

But here’s a thought: What if the very moment you’re living right now is the best time of your life? What if this second holds the key to the change you’ve been waiting for? The truth is, we don’t always recognize the significance of a moment until it becomes a memory. Life unfolds, and we navigate its twists and turns, often oblivious to the beauty and importance of the present.

So, what if, instead of looking back and saying, “I would have,” we start living in a way that acknowledges the potential greatness of every moment? What if today is the best time of your life, with all its uncertainties and possibilities? Consider approaching each day as if it were your last, for, in reality, it might be. For some, it could be a farewell, while for others, it might mark the beginning of something entirely new.

Life is a dance, a delicate interplay between what is and what will be. Embrace the rhythm of the present, savoring each step and finding joy in the uncertainty. By living fully in the now, we open ourselves to the richness of life, understanding that the best moments are not just memories but the experiences we are currently creating. So, dance through today with the awareness that this very moment might be the one you’ll look back on and say, “That was the best time of my life!”

I love you!

Recalculating Life

A month has passed since I had a near-death experience (NDE) in the middle of the night. In that surreal moment of observing my body from the ceiling, profound realizations washed over me. Suddenly, I was thrust back into my body, and the return to breathing took agonizing hours as the chest pain slowly subsided.

This post isn’t seeking medical advice, as I’ve already attended to that aspect. Instead, it’s about reflecting on life’s fragility and the subtle or thunderous signs we encounter. Within a week of this incredible episode, my life underwent a dramatic transformation—flipping both upside down and right side up. I relinquished control, embraced surrender, and allowed for the enchantment of existence.

I delved into the why’s, how’s, when’s, and where’s that I had evaded for years. This isn’t a plea for sympathy; I’m genuinely in a better place than I’ve been in years. The wake-up call prompted me to view my life from a new perspective—outside of my body. It gave me a tremendous opportunity to recognize that I have been on a severely damaged hamster wheel while living under pressure.

I believe in authenticity and being transparent with my readers. If I have learned anything, whilst being on social media, is that we share from the heart and learn from one another. These platforms are gifts for connection!

Life is meant to be lived beyond these digital walls. The moment I surrendered and stop going against the massive storms/currents, things began to unravel and change. Extremely quickly! I am bathing in gratitude. It’s been years of trying to fit a peg into a square. As we know: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.

Change has to happen. We must step outside of the comfort zone.

I am filled with excitement as I anticipate the transformative changes that lie ahead in the next few months. This near-death experience (NDE) became a profound catalyst, offering me a unique perspective on the stagnation that had enveloped my life. It’s perplexing why it often takes the severity of health issues to propel us toward necessary changes. The journey of healing has been both intense and liberating, unveiling layers of emotional stress I was previously unaware of. In the process, I’ve discovered the power of release, shedding not just physical ailments but also emotional burdens that had long been dormant within me. As I navigate this path of recovery, I am grateful for the opportunity to embrace a newfound sense of well-being and the promise of a brighter future.

I’m still offering one-on-one coaching and intuitive sessions which I deeply cherish. I am still running a special of $55 for a half-hour reading. Witnessing the growth of my clients mirrors my own, and I appreciate and love each one. If you are interested please message me to You can also find more information on

We are all in the midst of a spiritual revolution. We are being asked to shift our stories, change the way we have done things exactly the same, over and over, but expecting a different outcome. Personally, I am done with the insanity and refuse to live in the ridiculous old programming.

It’s time!

I respect you.

I admire you.

I know you, even if we haven’t met.

Start to create the life you desire by recalculating and rerouting!

I love you,

Embracing your Authenticity

I have often found myself abandoning the essence of who I truly am, swayed by the expectations and judgments of others. I now stand in the embodiment of my own authenticity.

For too long, I allowed the fear of not meeting someone else’s standards to dictate my choices, my actions, and even my self-worth. I forgave myself for the times I hesitated to stand up, for the moments I silenced my voice because I dreaded the disapproval of others. In doing so, I realized that self-forgiveness is an essential step towards reclaiming the power that lies within.

I’ve come to understand that the empowerment I seek doesn’t stem from external validation but from the divine essence that resides within me. There’s a sacred force, a spark of divinity, that guides me on this journey. It whispers in the quiet moments, urging me to honor my truth and walk the path of self-love.

It’s true; past traumas have left scars that sometimes tempt me to stay confined in the walls of my ego. These experiences, like heavy chains, have weighed down my spirit and made it challenging to break free. But today, I declare that no more will I allow the shadows of the past to dictate the brilliance of my future.

I am standing in my power, even if my legs shake, if my voice isn’t strong… yet! It will be. The choice to step into the light, to shed the layers of ego, is a conscious one. It requires acknowledging the wounds, understanding their impact, and then choosing to rise above them. I’ve learned that every scar tells a story, but it doesn’t have to define the narrative of my life.

In this moment of awakening, I recognize that I am the author of my story. I am not bound by the expectations of others, nor am I defined by the scars of my past. Instead, I am fueled by the divine energy that flows through me—a force that empowers me to stand tall in my authenticity.

So here’s to embracing the unique soul that I am, to forgiving myself for the times I faltered, and to moving forward with the unwavering belief that I am worthy of love, acceptance, and joy. No longer will I abandon myself for the comfort of conformity; instead, I choose the path of self-discovery and self-love, guided by the divine light that shines within me.

I love you!

(I do not know who wrote this exquisite meme. It’s powerful and it inspired me to write the above).

Costa Rica Retreat

THIS IS AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY to recharge and relax in Costa Rica this year!!!!

I would like to invite you to join us Nov. 8-12th, 2023 for our All-Inclusive Transformational Women’s Wellness Retreat in beautiful Costa Rica. 🦋🌳🦥🐒🌻🌺🏖️

Rest, Recharge & Reconnect with your Mind, Body & Soul! 💫 Trip Includes:

🦋 5 days / 4 nights accommodations at luxury retreat center.

🚌 Ground or air transportation to and from the SJO airport

🚕 Transportation to all scheduled retreat events and excursions.

🍛 3 organic meals/day: breakfast, lunch & dinner

🧘🏽‍♀️ Yoga & meditation sessions

🌿 Nature walks / hiking tours with a trusted guide 🪬 Daily mindfulness coaching sessions

💻 Wi-Fi: high-speed internet at the resort

🎁 Surprises and gifts throughout and much much more!

🚨 We have a Special Offer to receive $100 OFF!!

💵💵 Secure your spot with a $500 Deposit & Flexible Payment Plans!

Visit this page for more details:

Elevate Your Spirit with Intuitive Coaching!

📚 Have you ever experienced a journey that left you breathless and transformed? In my newly published spiritual memoir, “Erasable,” I poured my heart out about overcoming challenges and finding the light within. I was afraid to share it with the world. It took 20 years to get it out. And guess what? Overcoming that fear of being truly seen has changed my life. 🌈

🌼 Since sharing my story, I’ve been blessed to connect with countless souls who resonated with my journey of resilience. 🌟 Now, I’m thrilled to offer something even more powerful – a chance for you to embark on your own transformative path through intuitive coaching.

🌱 If you’re seeking guidance, growth, and a deeper connection with your inner self, my intuitive coaching sessions are tailor-made for you. 🌿 Whether you’re navigating life changes, seeking purpose, or simply looking to unlock your full potential, together we’ll journey towards your next level.

💫 The journey awaits, and I’m here to guide you with wisdom from my personal experience and intuitive insights. 🌙 Let’s work hand in hand to navigate your path, overcome obstacles, and embrace the beautiful tapestry of your life.

🌟 Only those who are truly committed to reaching new heights need apply. If you’re ready to step into your power, explore the realms of your intuition, and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires, don’t hesitate to comment below, direct message me on social media, or you can email me to 💌

Your transformation begins now. 🦋 Let’s paint your story with the hues of empowerment and inspiration!

I love you!


Divine Connections and Sisterhood

This past weekend, a dear friend graced my world with her presence. A woman of extraordinary talents—a photographer with an innate ability to tap into the unseen—stepped into my life like a breath of fresh air. She is, without a doubt, a powerhouse, radiating an energy that seems to light up every corner of the universe.

Our time together was a beautiful symphony of playfulness and introspection. As the sun’s first rays painted the sky, we found ourselves awake at 4am, wrapped in blankets, gazing at the stars dotting my yard. In that quiet hour before the world awoke, the universe felt closer, as if it was sharing its secrets with us alone.

We delved into meditation, two souls intertwining their energies in a dance of serenity and presence. There’s something magical about meditating with a kindred spirit—a sense of shared calmness that amplifies the experience tenfold. We basked in the stillness, grounding ourselves in the embrace of the present moment.

But our journey was not one of stillness alone. We embarked on adventures that saw us scaling the heights of mountains, conquering their peaks with the determination of souls hungry for more. As we stood atop those summits, wind in our hair, gazing at the vast landscapes stretching before us, it was as if the world was applauding our courage.

Yet, the true magic happened when we embraced our “woo-woo-ness,” those facets of ourselves that we often keep hidden from the world. We shared our dreams, our visions, and our aspirations, casting them out into the universe, certain that it was listening. Laughter became our anthem, echoing through the valleys we explored, a testament to the joy that comes from being truly present with another soul.

In the cocoon of our togetherness, I realized the power of connections that resonate on a profound level. When women who are kindred spirits gather, there’s an unspoken understanding—a safe haven where vulnerability is cherished and celebrated. It’s a sanctuary where we can be our most authentic selves, where judgment melts away, leaving only love and acceptance in its wake.

As I reflect on the echoes of our laughter that still reverberate within me, I’m reminded of the boundless potential that lies in such connections. My girlfriends have always been catalysts for my growth, lifting me to higher realms of consciousness. Their presence is a reminder that life is meant to be lived fully, with arms wide open to embrace the richness of experience.

I extend my heart’s wish to you, dear reader. May your journey be graced with friendships that elevate your spirit, connections that resonate with your soul’s deepest desires. May you find yourself surrounded by kindred souls who nurture your growth and stand by you, unconditionally. For in these connections, we find the true essence of living—a beautiful, shared journey that reminds us that we are never alone.

I urge you to go check her website and meet Linda She’s deliciously talented and also follow her on Instagram for her daily oracle card pulls:

With love and gratitude,


A Yearning for Sunshine and Salt Air

As summer gradually bids its farewell and the warm days start to wane, a familiar feeling of longing stirs within me. Nestled here in North Carolina, the promise of winter’s arrival brings forth a mixture of emotions. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore the majestic mountains that surround me, but there’s something about the beach that tugs at my heartstrings. The idea of having endless sunshine, 365 days a year, is an irresistible thought.

Oh, the beach – a place of solace, serenity, and joy. I find myself daydreaming about strolling along the sandy shores at the break of dawn, greeted by the gentle caress of the waves and the invigorating scent of salt in the air. The thrill of discovering delicate pink and purple seashells, treasures of the ocean, never fails to fill me with childlike wonder. The soothing symphony of the water meeting the land becomes a calming lullaby to my soul.

You see, my connection to the beach runs deep, as it harks back to the days of my upbringing on a tropical island. Weekends were synonymous with camping escapades and endless hours of beachside adventures. Later on, life led me to the enchanting allure of South Florida, where the ocean was practically my neighbor, a mere bike ride away. Ah, what a blissful existence it was – the ocean became my sanctuary, my refuge, my happy place.

Fast forward to the present, and I find myself in the embrace of Asheville’s majestic mountains for over a decade now. These towering peaks have molded me, reshaped my perspective, and instilled a newfound appreciation for nature’s grandeur. Yet, whenever I return to South Florida to reunite with my grown children, a certain craving emerges with fervor. It’s as if a part of me yearns for a taste of home – a plate of comforting Cuban cuisine and the familiar embrace of the shoreline.

The pull of the water is a magnetic force that resonates deep within my being. I’m confident that, one day, the call of the beach will be irresistible, and I’ll find myself back where my heart truly belongs. Until then, I find solace in the simple pleasures of life by my back creek, where the soothing sounds of nature’s orchestra gently mend my spirit.

As the days continue to change and seasons shift, my longing for the beach remains a constant, an unyielding reminder of the timeless connection between my soul and the shimmering expanse of the ocean. Until the day I can once again bask in the embrace of the sun-soaked shores, I’ll continue to find moments of healing in the embrace of the mountains and the gentle symphony of the creek.

Where is YOUR happy place?

I love you!

 The Healing Power of Conscious Relationships and the Divine Feminine

In a world that often glamorizes fleeting romances and superficial connections, my personal journey towards healing and self-discovery took an unexpected turn. Over the past nine months, I’ve had the privilege of following an incredible man, Danny Morel, on social media. His unique perspective on relationships has shed light on the broken patterns in my past choices and has also inspired me to step into my divine feminine energy, leading me towards a path of transformation and healing.

The Awakening of Self-Realization:
Danny Morel’s words have been a revelation for me. His messages have peeled back the layers of complexity surrounding relationships, urging me to confront my own emotional landscape and the patterns that have held me back. Through his guidance, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of my past choices and the pivotal role they’ve played in my personal growth. Moreover, his teachings have encouraged me to explore the balance between my masculine and feminine energies.

Breaking the Chains of Past Patterns:
Danny’s teachings have empowered me to view my past experiences not as regrets, but as valuable lessons that have shaped my journey. By embracing self-awareness and acknowledging my past with compassion, I’ve begun to break free from the destructive patterns that once held me captive. This shift in perspective has been instrumental in my healing process, and Danny’s insights about stepping into the divine feminine have illuminated a new path forward.

Embracing the Divine Feminine:
In his wisdom, Danny Morel emphasizes the importance of embracing the divine feminine energy within ourselves. He highlights that our society often encourages us to adopt a more masculine role, focusing on action, control, and logic. However, nurturing our divine feminine side allows us to tap into qualities such as intuition, receptivity, and emotional depth. By finding a harmonious balance between our masculine and feminine energies, we can foster healthier relationships and a deeper connection with ourselves.

The Essence of Conscious Relationships:
Conscious relationships, as Danny Morel describes them, are rooted in authenticity, mutual respect, and a profound understanding of oneself and one’s partner. His insights have illuminated the importance of open communication, empathy, and vulnerability as the cornerstones of genuine connections. Embracing the divine feminine energy enhances our ability to be present, empathetic, and nurturing in our relationships, creating a space for deeper intimacy and connection.

Navigating the Path to Healing:
My journey towards healing has been marked by challenges, but Danny Morel’s wisdom, coupled with his teachings about the divine feminine, has provided me with a roadmap for transformation. Through his guidance, I’ve learned that healing is not about erasing pain, but about embracing past wounds and integrating them into my story. By adopting the principles of conscious relationships and embodying the divine feminine, I’ve embarked on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering hidden strengths and redefining my sense of self-worth like never before in my 55 years here on this earth.

In a world where relationships often lack depth and authenticity, Danny Morel’s teachings have been a guiding light on my path to healing. His insights have helped me untangle the threads of my past choices, embrace the divine feminine energy within me, and embark on a transformative journey towards conscious connections. As I continue to apply his wisdom, embrace vulnerability and self-awareness, and nurture my divine feminine side, I’m discovering the profound power of healing through conscious relationships. This newfound understanding is leading me towards a brighter and more fulfilling future, marked by authentic connections, personal growth, and a harmonious balance of energies.

I hope and trust that you also be guided to move inward and heal those parts of yourself that no longer serve your present life.

I love you!


The Gifts of Allowing Release

Three days ago, I embarked on a journey of self-care and introspection. I chose to embrace a fast, bidding farewell to sugar, caffeine, and the digital world. As I find myself in the midst of day three, I must admit, it’s proving to be quite a challenge. You see, in my past experiences with fasting, day three has always been the toughest hurdle to cross. My body is courageously releasing toxins, and my energy seems to dance between moments of unpredictability and sheer exhaustion.

Amidst the discomfort, I’m trying to remember that this is all a natural part of the healing process. It’s as if my body is gently shedding layers of what no longer serves me. I’m feeling a blend of frustration, sadness, and a surge of emotions that ebb and flow like waves. Old traumas come to the surface, while others begin to fade in the distance.

I question myself, my motifs, my sense of belonging and being.

Yet, I hold onto the promise of what awaits me on the other side of this struggle. It’s not just about feeling incredibly vibrant and alive; it’s also about finding clarity in the midst of chaos. Those emotional tides that rise within me are not the reality of the present. They are echoes of the past, gradually fading into the distance. As I weather this storm of emotions, I’m granting myself the compassion and love I truly deserve.

In this temporary abstention, I’m gifted with the opportunity to recalibrate my relationship with sustenance, be it physical or emotional. As I abstain from certain foods, I’m allowing my digestive system to reset, paving the way for improved nutrient absorption and overall vitality. Just as my body is detoxifying, so is my mind, liberated from the constant chatter of social media, especially Facebook. This intentional pause allows me to regain focus, cultivate deeper connections, and rediscover the beauty of genuine human interactions.

And in the midst of these changes, I find solace in the knowledge that I’m nurturing a profound sense of self-compassion. This act of fasting serves as a reminder that I am deserving of care and attention, that my well-being is a priority. It’s a declaration of self-love, a courageous step toward becoming the best version of myself.

It’s not easy to put myself first and foremost with the demands of children, work, and life. It’s necessary to do so in order to bring more positive energy into my life. As the days pass, I will continue to embrace the challenges and the rewards that come with this journey. With each passing moment, I am inching closer to the radiant clarity and genuine exuberance that await me on the other side. My spiritual body is cheerleading me on the side lines to continue….

Be kind to yourself. I love you!

Healing Happens

Healing, my dear friend, has a beautiful way of embracing us when we least expect it.

You’re waiting at a red light, and the world is painted in the gentle hues of sunrise. A tear finds its way down your cheek, cleansing your soul in the process.

Then there’s that moment in the shower, where the water cascades like a soothing symphony. Your thoughts dance through the struggles you’ve faced and conquered, a testament to your incredible strength.

Ah, and let’s not forget those precious hugs with your children, each embrace a reminder that nothing can hurt you like it once did. The warmth of their love wraps around you like a comforting blanket.

And isn’t it wonderful how healing can be woven into the fabric of simple gestures? A friend’s words, like a healing balm, mending wounds you might have thought were irreversible. The tender touch of a lover, a reminder that your heart is resilient and deserving of affection. Even a stranger’s smile, a tiny spark that lights up your path.

In these moments, you’ll feel it, deep within your being. A whisper from the universe, letting you know that the chains of pain and discomfort are loosening their grip. The scars, whether they’re etched on your skin, heart, or soul, become symbols of your journey rather than sources of agony.

And when that healing arrives, oh, how the world transforms! The weight that once burdened your spirit lifts, and the air is filled with a newfound lightness. Love flows freely, like a gentle river, nurturing every corner of your existence.

So remember, dear soul, healing is not just a distant hope – it’s a beautiful reality that dances into your life, bringing solace and renewal. You are a beacon of strength, and with each step, you’re moving towards a brighter, more loving world.

Continue moving through this awareness… I love you!