Unveiling Truths

In this tapestry of time, we find ourselves ensnared,

In this toxic realm, a place we never truly dared.

Perhaps it lingered, a specter in the shadows,

Shaking foundations with unseen sorrows.

Not born of a night, nor a fleeting gaze,

But woven through years in a dissonant maze.

Lies, deceptions, a sinister art,

Crafting a demise, tearing the heart apart.

Moments of disdain, attitudes bulldozing,

Stripping compassion, foundations exposing.

Cracks emerged, a fracture unseen,

Personal it was not, yet shattered the serene.

Walls concealed, strength and beauty veiled,

A facade unbroken, but truth assailed.

Oh, to erase a decade, to turn back the tide,

Undo the unraveling, where secrets hide.

The building crumbled, revealing the core,

Unveiling truths, we can’t ignore.

Left in the ruins, a solemn decree,

To forge a new home, a life yet to be.

No more the rotten foundation’s decay,

In the rubble, a chance to find our own way.

A new beginning, with strength untold,

In the poetic dance, a story unfolds.

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