Ask and Let Go

We ask and ask and then try to control the outcome. Then we start to get like little children… angry because we don’t get what we want (especially as fast as we want). Asking for anything in prayer requires the release of the situation. It’s truly about letting go. Let’s begin by recognizing that WE ARE THE MIRACLE. And in this miracle, we can truly create. We may not be happy with the outcome, since we have so many lessons to learn in this human experience.

Ask. Let go. Be grateful. It all happens in divine timing.

And yes, sometimes the opposite of what we want happens. Or, extremes in the challenges appear. There is no certainty to this human experience. It is truly a magnificent lesson in trust.

If you happen to have a perfect formula please share it with me!

I love you…Millie

Sacredness of Ceremonies

There is sacredness in ceremonies, in gathering with others to bless and heal. Circles, fire, chanting, prayers, meditations, cleansing and other rituals are there to maintain a sense of creation through divinity. When two or more gather there is manifesting on all levels and realms. It’s mystical!

The Sacredness of Ceremonies allows me to ground myself beyond words. Rituals and gatherings raise my frequency to more love and infinite abundance. Judgment disappears. Vulnerability unfolds. When I moved to these mountains years ago I dreamed of a tribe that would support me and my heart. It was slow to arrive since I kept growing spiritually and was disconnected from many who were not on the same journey. It has taken some time but in the last few years I keep meeting the most intuitive and amazing people. I am so blessed to have found so many folks during this time, and it continues to grow with like-minded individuals who are connected to their spiritual truths. These are teachers, students, and true guides from all walks of life. My soul is filled with joy and humility because what I’ve asked for continues to expand. I am touched by stories, experiences and wisdom from so many sages.

And I am loved. That love is constantly being paid forward. It’s purified through the acceptance and knowing that I am receiving messages through others and their stories. I am in awed of what appears when I no longer try to control the world around me.

If you don’t have a tribe please find a way to create one. Take time to connect with others. Social media is excellent for this. Find groups and interact. Your soul isn’t meant to be alone. If you live far from others there are ways to connect through technology.

Be blessed and continue to manifest your desires. You grow through each little wish made to the heavens. You are magical. I love you. ~m.a.p.

Stepping Back

It’s important to step back at times and reflect on what’s YOUR life and YOUR small world. This forces us to make strong decisions, shift gears and partake in individual retreats. This places the focus on dreams, goals, and aspirations without doubting what anyone will think. You must close off the world for a few weeks, days or hours. I have had to entertain just what’s in front of me…making my world very tiny. I have needed to see through tunnel vision for just a few days to stop the chit chat, the excessive manner of deflecting on what my soul truly needs. We are all busy. This detachment allows for just a small window with a giant breathing room to grow…I am lucky mine is a tiny room looking at the yard that is also the laundry room.

I go silent. I take in the world around me and use it as an echo from Spirit. This funnel of sorts makes everything doable. I can find answers in this space. My incense is lit. My body molds the old chair. I leave to another place and I can pray, ask, and receive.

I love the connection of social media but its ability to suck life at any time can be overwhelming. It’s a constant love-hate relationship for me. Just when I think I find a balance something happens and I realize I am not balanced at all. It’s an illusion. In trying to grow a business or helping others, this form of communication is magical. But, unfortunately, it is also distracting because you focus on what’s not yours. It’s easier to focus on everyone else. It’s easier to answer messages, give advice, channel divine wisdom for others. I may seem like a total extrovert, but I am really a hermit at heart. I am complex that way. I need people, but I need plenty of alone time to figure out what is important for me. When making a life-changing decision there has to be space…alone…to truly connect with Spirit. My spirituality is the utmost importance for me to follow. I need my daily rituals. I am truly blessed with the love and support from folks who have never met me, but because of this forum, we are connected at the touch of a button.

I ask that you dig deep with your heels in the ground. Go be outdoors. Go find time to just be. No distractions. Just be alone to allow your higher self the ability to speak loud and clearly. You will find the answers once you silence the chaotic mind. You will also find mysticism and see things that you are blind to witness during other busy times. Ahhh! Illusions fall away!!!!

I love you! Have a magical day. ~m.a:p.


In deep meditation last night the question rose several times:

What is Love?

And then the answer came pouring in tears….

Love is the highest vibrational frequency of the universe. It is acceptance, acknowledgement, vulnerability, rawness, compassion, grace and faith. It is unfiltered. It is the connection of humanity that embraces us. But love has no real meaning. Truly… it is God without religion or culture or beliefs. Love is the bridge that holds us from one to another. Without it we cease to exist. We become Zombies in a world of chaos. So…to negate this from each other is the demise of our world.

Hold to it with all that made you and keeps you alive. We are required to pass it along…to all…without judgment because that is not something that is part of love. We must breathe it in and out with each thought when we are feeling overwhelmed and depleted. The answer to all is Love. We are a million cells vibrating in truth to all that is Source with LOVE. ~m.a.p.

Time is in Your Favor

holding time

It’s the middle of February. Already! I don’t quite know how things are happening so fast. We are emotionally and spiritually spinning in giant vortexes. Friday night I didn’t sleep. I was in and out of meditation most of the night…swirling up and down and all around the universe. I was feeling the universal forces in motion and it felt like my heart was going to give out. Not a good feeling for an empath.

It feels as if timelines are collapsing. Every day I hear of another suicide close to me, or someone six degrees from me. The bodies and minds can’t take the changes. It’s okay to not have the answers. It is NOT okay to give up without trying to reach out. I work in mental health and I am experiencing a higher degree of de-fragments. I am witnessing emotions dictating actions and creating deadly reactions.
I wish I could say I am sleeping well. I am not. I am moving from one timeline into another. My night activities are as chaotic as the waking day time ones. I’ve concluded that even through meditation I cannot slow down the times. They aren’t suppose to be slowed down because we are shifting and it’s part of mass consciousness upgrades. Discomfort pushes growth.
But what are we being pushed into?
I don’t know but when I go into the space of love and peace…when I enter sacredness I see a different world. I can hear John Lennon’s song, “Imagine” in my heart. And this, darlings, is what I feel is the pushing. Things are changing, especially when you detach from the news and media. You will find just by looking around your tribe and circles that we are returning to authenticity and truth.
I urge you to be gentle with yourself. Old traumas and programming are coming up. We are being asked to clear the things that are toxic in our lives. We are required to cut cords of things that cause us pain. We are being redirected to notice what sets our desires on fire: creativity, travel, gathering with like-minded folks, family, nature, spirituality and so much more. It’s no wonder we are being stripped of hurt, shame and guilt.
Our lives are changing. Technology has clearly forced us to live at a faster pace but it can also be utilized to slow down. You do not have to depend on it for every little thing. If the phone rings, you don’t have to answer. The emails and texts can wait. Social media doesn’t have to be touched all day long. We have become slaved to the things we complain about…too much stimuli.
What’s happening OUT THERE is also being felt immensely in here. Politics, religion, and everything else is keeping you in a prison of mind control. You are being given what to think and digest instead of you searching for what you really want in life.
So, once again…I am retrieving for a bit. I am experiencing a lot of chaos around me. The external noises are as loud as the ones I visit at night in sleep or meditation. Something has to be done to slow it down. I write everyday and I feel I need to return to journaling and the simplicity of pen and paper. I find that in times of real healing and release it is the pen that shows me truth. It never fails since I was a little girl.
Find your center core. Time is in your favor…you get to decide how you move through these challenging times. Bring love and forgiveness to it. Let go of old should’ves and could’ves. You are here for a reason and it isn’t to punish yourself for past experiences. It isn’t to torture your soul for sins that pushed you to grow. Let that go and allow the new you emerge in peace. But, please, if you can’t find someone to talk to I am here. Email me…I will check periodically
I love you…

Be still

“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.” – Rumi
The universe conspires in your favor. Everything that happens is for your betterment whether for a life lesson or a conscious choice you made to enhance your spirit. If you listen closely to your soul you will notice when you are making a mistake. Is it your ego wanting this? Is it your soul’s yearning to do that? If you live your life, as Rumi expresses, what you accomplish is through love and joy. It’s part of your journey. It becomes a certainty in faith. I know in my past that when I kept hitting walls, seeing signs or crashing against barricades that I should have stopped pushing myself to get those things my ego “needed.” Looking back I know exactly what those things were but I didn’t care. My tenacious character didn’t accept failure (even when it wasn’t failure but the Divine expressing the truth that it was not a situation for my betterment). We tend to complicate our lives. When we get out of the way and allow the Divine to lead things are easier, smoother, lovelier and definitely in your favor. Life is not made to be a constant struggle. We create the struggles with what we think we need, desire, and manipulate. Sit long enough to feel God and allow the guidance. Your path, your life, your destiny…is all rigged for YOU!

The Return


photo (3)

Something woke


after a long sleep of doubts,

anger, hurt and questions

that buried me

inside an open tomb,

leaving the exposure to heal

with the openness of One.

I had forgotten my power,

the thoughts that co-create

with the universal aid of intentions;

those same delicious frequencies

that magically take me here and there.

I had forgotten

waking up with such joy

that I skip out of my room

while bones crack and stretch

reminding me to slow down.

I don’t care.

This is the meaning of living.

This is the ebb of sorrow and joy

taking it all and pasting it back together

without giving up.

It’s easier to give in,

give out, give up, and forget.

No more!

I have been sleeping in such darkness

for too long and allowing no one

to turn on the light.

I needed to feel the switch,

pass my hands through its coldness,

in the rawness of despair,

so I could turn it on…so I could do it alone.

Clarity arrives with rest and prayer.

Awareness returns with faith.

I hear the ringing of truth in one ear.

I see the element of surprise ahead.

I taste the juices of excitement.

I smell the sweetness of success…

for all that I have put out into the openness.

I’ve returned.

I am home in me again.

It’s been a long time…too long.

The heart echos softly, “Welcome back!”

Morning Prayer

That first hour of light
Introduces day
To the foggy mountains
Desperately trying to
Mark the sunrise.
I sit in darkness
Guided by a candle
And incense burning
With a cup of tea
Warming chilled hands.
Silence visits me,
And no thoughts tug
Anywhere in my
Cerebral cortex.
I stare out wards
Then inwards.
I am the light,
The mountain,
The room,
And the vastness
Of infinity.
Another day allows me
To partake of its
Divine gifts.
How very blessed I am….


Purest form of love


The magic of love is in its purest form. A smile across the room, a hug from a child, an ‘I love you’ from a friend, and a cuddle from a pet. The simplicity of a gesture, a look, and a touch is the Creator connecting with us through one another. It’s that authentic and natural. Keep a tally of daily gratitude: “The sun came out today. The cold is less severe. I have heat, shelter, and food.” Love comes through the light in everything around us. Close your eyes for a few minutes and take in the present. You are alive. This is temporary. Will this issue today matter in a year? We are forever evolving, growing and learning. You are always loved. I love a quote by Aristotle: “The secret to humor is surprise.” The single most wonderful feeling is allowing life to surprise you every day. Those are the miracles of the ‘aha moments.” Have a blessed day!